Saturday, September 19, 2009

Philadelphia Flower Show Pressed Plant Competition information

The handbook is out. Here are the classes for the competition.
141 NOVICE CLASS: BLOOMING BASKETS—Create a basket and fill it with
lots of colorful flowers. A minimum of five different types of flowers must be
used. Open only to exhibitors who have not won a blue ribbon in the
Pressed Plant Classes of the Philadelphia International Flower Show prior
to 2010.
142 IT’S A COLORFUL WORLD—Create a landscape scene representing any
country around the world. The country must be named on the entry form.
143 WINDOW BOXES—Pictures must feature at least one window box.
144 WET AND WILD—Have fun making a picture that features a pond, ocean,
lake, or any body of water.
of a travel journal. May be coated for protection. Not to exceed 10” x 10”.
To be staged on an easel on a pedestal.
146 YOUTH CLASS: GARDEN FRIENDS— For exhibitors up to and
including 18 years old. Make a picture that features garden friends such
as a bird, butterfly, bee, or other friendly critter. Not to exceed 8” x 10”.

To get more information, link is here:

Remember: submit entry form before 11/15.