Sunday, February 3, 2008

Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Year is coming on Thursday. Since it is in the middle of the week, we are celebrating it on weekends. I have a few flowers/plants at home for the holiday.

Chinese paper white is a traditional New Years flower. It has a light scent. Flower is white with yellow cup. Chinese describe it being golden bowl with silver plate. This Chinese chrysanthemum is a new color this year. Flower is red but with golden yellow on the bottom. I hope it will press out well. The orchid was a Christmas gift from a co-worker. Can you see it is still going very strong? I bought the lucky bamboo last year. It has grown a lot in a year.


Jack said...

Oh my God! these are such pretty plants, they would love lovely in the balcony or a small open space say for example a mini terrace. I love the shape of these yellow-red flowers. Look like cups to me:)

1 click dissertation review said...

This is a very good trend to grow plants and also gift plants on national day. This is the beauty of china they always prefer healthy things and routines.

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