Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pressing Poinsettia

I saw this new poinsettia with lighter spots in a local supermarket right after Thanksgiving. I just love the colors! It has done its Chirstmas decoration duties. Now it is well after the New Year, it is time to press.

It presses well with a Microfleur. I have been distributing this press.

Normally, one uses the cotton sheets that come with the press but I like to use a kitchen towel with brand name of VIVA.

Cut the color leaves out and lay them over the towel. Cover with another sheet of towel and pad. Lock the press and put into microwave over. I use high for 1 minute. It presses out beautifully. Dried color leaves are slightly darker than fresh ones.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Some small pressed flower items

Work has kept us super busy. I feel that I need to work on some flower items to relax. I brought some small projects thinking to work at lunch time but there has been importing meetings at that time too. This pair of earrings was done a few months ago. I have worn it several times. I meant to make more earrings but have not made more with pressed flowers. My latest earrings were all beads and crystals.

Today I started something but the first try did not work too well. Anyway, I have made a few pendants. I think it is more difficult to make these pendants than working on a picture but it has been fun.

The flower pot was actually made as a children’s class sample. I cannot believe how well it has stand over the years. I can't believe it has been 5 years already.

I called the wholesale flower shop asking for boronia. I don't want to miss it again this year. The guy said its blooming time will be late this year. Hopefully it will not be blooming on the testing week.

Framed a couple more pictures tonight. I really have to pack all the finished ones to storage. House is mess with everything out.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

IPFAS News Magazine and a student's work

I have received the news magazine from Megumi. It is very exciting that the conference is announced. I hope many IPFAS members will come.

A co-worker who has only taken two classes with her daughters came to show me her peacock picture. Wow! I am very impressed. It is beautiful! It is too bad that we cannot carry camera to work. I know she has put in a lot of works. She showed me her picture a couple of day earlier. The tail was not very sharp. I have suggested her to change using another fern. She worked hard to take away already glued materials and made the new tail. Oh! I wish I have a picture to show. I am so proud!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Framed Pressed Flower Art

This original Chinese painting picture has been with me for many years. I bought it from the artist in Hong Kong. He and his wife were selling outside of the bank on weekends. I liked his style but were not sure about the ones they had in display. I described the picture I had in mind. He said that he has a painting fitting my description but it was not something most of the people were buying so they have left it home. He promised to bring it the next week. It is exactly what I was looking for. That year was 1995. I was still in my learning stage on pressed flower art. I did not have any confidence back then creating something good enough for home decoration.

Well, I have just framed my Wild Flower 3. This one is a print yet if I was not the one framing it, I would not be able to tell it is a print. I like it so much it is on my wall now. The waterlily is moving somewhere else.

My house is still a total mess when I am in my "production" phrase. This corner is the only place we don't have to move things around before we can sit down. No one is complaining. Doug is happy looking at all the pieces. I am going to wrap up some and move them to storage so we don't always have to watch before stepping down.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


It has been raining today. It is perfect day to get my flowers out and play. Although we only worked 3 days this week, weekend rest is really needed.
A co-worker and I have talked about having another mother-children session. I have to think about another cute project.
The 2008 pressed flower conference planning work has been going. I have updated info www.wwpfg.org since so many are traveling from out of the country.

I have also been working on Doug's site www.paycation4u.com. It is interesting to work on a site not flower related. It gives me some chances to learn about all the latest Internet business (not that I am not already very busy). It is always good to learn new things.

I wish there are more hours in a day...