Sunday, June 17, 2012

Learn Special Pressing Techniques From Teacher Cao–2012 Vacation Part 20

Master Nobuo from Japan agreed to teach me how to preserve whites and greens a few years earlier. However, I have not had any time or opportunities to go to Japan. I contacted Ms. Kao Fong Hsi before my vacation hoping that she could teach me. Ms. Kao arranged Ms. Cao to teach me in Taipei.

Every presser knows that whites are a challenge. Flowers like the Casablanca lily are used in wedding bouquets very often. They cause headaches for me. The results were often not white enough. Sometimes they become transparent. I knew that Nobuo has developed a method to press white flowers such as the white lilies. I asked him to teach me when we met in the US. However, he said it needs a liquid solution so he asked me to go to Japan. Actually, there are difficulties to learn in Japan. I don’t speak Japanese. And Nobuo’s English is not enough to teach pressing flowers. Just before going to Taiwan, I realized that several experienced teachers in Taiwan learned this technique before. And we have no language problems. Besides, Taiwan’s oshibana club is an off shore company of Nobuo’s. After making arrangements, I was so looking forward.

The oshibana club is sharing the same location with beading and art clay. Location is excellent. Classroom is bright and airy.

Ms. Cao is a very experienced teacher. She is warm and caring. She answered all my questions in details.


We pressed this Casablanca lily. It was like magic that the flowers came out pure white and solid.


Preserved green leaves are deeper in color but they will not fade after pressing.


I have promised Nobuo before that I will not teach nor release information about these methods. We will just enjoy the flowers.

Thanks to Ms. Cao patiently taught me for a whole day.

We ate lunch box. Lunch box in Taipei is very good. There is a pork chop, tomato and egg, tofu, and green vegetables. Cost was $80 Taiwan money. It is less than $3US.

1 comment:

Linda said...

This is a beautiful and unique arrangement. Taiwan has a unique culture and cuisine is quite tasty yet simple. Great post!